Last week was a heavy one, I lost three people I knew unexpectedly all in a matter of 72 hrs.
So it got me thinking again about the importance of saying what needs to be said in the now. It also highlighted the immense power in tying things up the correct way when we can.
We wait on saying what needs to be said. We think we have forever, another day, another moment. That is until we don't. Sometimes we have people in our life that we left things unsettled with, we walked away without ever saying thank you for what you have been in my life despite whether or not they are good for us anymore. We leave things unsaid, people unappreciated and some people all together missed.
We forget that life can be fleeting and tomorrow is not a guarantee, yet still we wait. In this moment you have the power to do whatever it is you need to do to be at peace with people in your life now. This can truly save you from feelings of heartbreak and regret down the line.
I am in no way saying that if someone is not healthy to have in your life that you should reopen a relationship or dialogue. You are fully entitled to remove things from your life that do not serve you and when possible doing so with grace feels empowering.
What it means is just make sure, you are really comfortable with how things were left, words left unsaid etc. Make sure that if they were gone tomorrow that you would not be left with a feeling of regret in your heart. If you feel like you wish you had said something differently and you are not comfortable talking you can write a letter and mail it, if someone has passed on you can write the letter to cleanse the feeling from your heart. You can keep the letter, burn it or whatever ritual adds peace to your heart; It can truly be a simple yet therapeutic practice.
In the everyday now, say I love you more, give more hugs. Tell someone you appreciate them. These are the simplest things in life that add so much magic and sparkle. Do it today, don't wait on tomorrow.